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Democracy & Sustainability – Betzavta Workshop with Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman (BZ)

24. 03. 2025 – 27. 03. 2025

In this course, we’ll explore different approaches to Democracy and Sustainability. We’ll explore questions such as: Should humans be at the center, or should the universe? Is there a connection between Equality and Sustainability? Does socio-political equality promote sustainability? If so, how? What is the connection between the Right to Health and Sustainability, and between the Right to Culture and Sustainability?  Exploring the connection between Freedom and Sustainability, is it legitimate for the state to intervene on environmental issues? Who ought to represent the next generations? Who represents flora and fauna in decision-making? How does environmental harm affect immigration and immigrants, and what’s the democratic way to address this issue?

Approach & Target Group
The course will be taught via interactive workshops, employing the Adam Institute’s signature “Betzavta – the Adam Institute’s Facilitation Method“ taught by its creator, Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman. The “Betzavta” method is rooted in an empirical approach to civic education, interpersonal communication and conflict resolution. Participants can experientially examine their stances on democracy and sustainability. The workshop will be held in English. This workshop is for everyone who is interested. Previous knowledge of Betzavta is not necessary.

Covered Topics

  • Ideology and Sustainability

  • Equality and Sustainability

  • State Authority and Sustainability

  • The Right to Vote and Sustainability

  • Migration and Sustainability

  • Summary and Conclusion: An Eye to the Future


Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman (Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace)

In order to enable a solidarity-based participation fee, there is the following scale (double room, including full board and seminar fees, single room plus 20 € /night):


  • 850 € (standard /for participants from organisations or with regular income)

  • 650 € (reduced /for participants with a lower income)

  • single room supplement: 60 €


If the price is an obstacle to taking part in the workshop, we can check whether we can offer a reduced contribution via our solidarity fund. To do this, select the appropriate field under "Participation fee" when registering.

Seminar Times
Start: Monday, 14:00 h 
End: Thursday, 15:00 h

Please note: We reserve the right to cancel the seminar in case that the trainer is unable to travel due to the security situation on site.

Registration here.

For questions please contact Annika Sutter | | 033834-50282




Nächste Veranstaltungen:

20. 01. 2025